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Exclusive Food GmbH


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Enjoy Cyprus with every bite

Oliva1® olive oil

Every sip is a pleasure

Wines from Cyprus

Soli Gin Founders edition

About Us

Exclusive Food

Exclusive groceries

Hand-picked selection of exclusive foods that you will only find here. We carefully search for unique products to offer you an extraordinary taste experience.

Unique taste

Our imported foods offer a distinctive taste that will delight your senses. Each product is manufactured to a high quality and preserves the authentic flavors of each kitchen.

sourced fairly

We attach great importance to fair trade practices and work closely with our suppliers worldwide. By offering fairly traded food, we support local communities and promote sustainable farms.

Sustainably processed

Our food is made with the environment in mind. We only work with manufacturers who use sustainable manufacturing processes and sustainable cultivation. We and our suppliers pay attention to environmentally friendly and resource-saving processes and practices.

traditional hand harvest

The traditional manual harvest allows the olives to be harvested at the optimum time. As a result, only the best, ripe, tastefully developed olives are used, which ensure the unique taste.
A real treat!

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Cold pressed with traditional millstones

Obtained directly from the Cyprus Koroneiki olive thanks to the traditional millstones, this vegan olive oil is the perfect accompaniment for tasty and healthy dishes. Whether grilling, cooking or frying, the Oliva1 olive oil rounds off every dish perfectly.

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Extra virgin olive oil

Our Oliva1 olive oil is characterized by a fruity and balanced taste with a light lemon aroma. However, the taste does not come to the fore when cooking, but adds a healthy and fruity note to your meal. With its natural quality, the premium olive oil is the ideal all-rounder.

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The special pleasure

Gin from Cyprus

A gin and tonic is a cocktail made from gin and tonic water. Both are poured over a large amount of ice.
The ratio of gin to tonic varies depending on taste, strength of gin, other drink mixes added, etc., with most drinks boasting a 1:1 to 1:3 ratio


Enjoy with a clear conscience

A good oil for a good deed

With every bottle of olive oil we buy, we support the Lions Club Peace Village project with 5 euros

Blog posts

Alles über Olivenöl und Rapsöl

Alles über Olivenöl und Rapsöl

Olivenöl Herstellung von Olivenöl Prozess der Gewinnung von Olivenöl Für die Herstellung von Olivenöl werden zunächst die Oliven von den Bäumen geerntet. Anschließend werden die Früchte gewaschen, ...

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Zivania-Herstellung: unveränderte Tradition seit Generationen

Zivania-Herstellung: unveränderte Tradition seit Generationen

Zypern, der kleine Inselstaat im östlichen Mittelmeer, zählt zu den ältesten Kulturstätten der Welt. Zahlreiche Mythen und Legenden ranken sich um das auch als Insel der Aphrodite Zypern. Neben der...

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Die Geschichte des Weinanbaus auf Zypern

Die Geschichte des Weinanbaus auf Zypern

Es ist schwierig, exakt zu erforschen, wie weit zurück der Weinanbau auf Zypern nachzuweisen ist. Aber es gibt einige Hinweise, dass zypriotische Weine schon um 2300 v. Chr. gehandelt wurden. Ein S...

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